(256 words) “People are not born, but become what they are,” said the French writer K.A. Helvetius. Indeed, there are many external and internal factors that shape a person, laying in it the concepts of morality. But what exactly qualities allow a person to become the very highest element of the evolutionary chain?
Responsibility, courage, fortitude, willingness to sacrifice for a higher purpose, hard work, kindness and mercy, honesty are the main character traits that allow a person to grow and develop, setting an example to other people. It is enough to recall the hero of Pushkin's work “The Captain's Daughter”. Pyotr Grinev does what no living creature would ever do except man: under the threat of death, he refuses to violate the oath, remaining faithful to the royal court. Animals value life most, but only humans have beliefs and ideals that are superior to themselves. On this basis, we are different from all life on earth. Why did Peter do this, why, like him, many people sacrifice themselves? Because they educate in themselves all the qualities of character listed above by me. They are responsible and courageous enough to take risks for the sake of what is dear to them, and something dear to them because they are kind and merciful. For the sake of this "dear" they work tirelessly, and stamina helps them withstand the test. And honesty helps us all trust and help each other.
In order to become a real person, and not his illusory likeness, you need to see not only with your eyes, but also with your heart, because it directs us to the exploits that distinguish people from all other living creatures. After all, it is precisely the one who knows how to sympathize and experience that is no longer an ordinary individual, but becomes a real person.